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Our values

An ethical and responsible company

All of the company's activities will respect the following ethical principles:

A business built on solid and lasting relationships of trust with our partners, customers and suppliers and based on our common interests.

  • Compliance with confidentiality principles and agreements.
  • Respect for its partners and public bodies.

Intangible respect for people:

  • Their rights and freedoms, whether they are employees, customers or suppliers.
  • The health and safety of people directly or indirectly affected by the company's activities.
  • Information of any kind about their private life and personal data.

Full compliance with laws against corruption and influence peddling, but also laws concerning financial practices and the prevention of conflicts of interest.

The implementation of good practices for invitations and gifts.

A company that cares about its environmental impact:

  • Environmental protection is a constant concern.
  • A reduction in the environmental footprint of the company's daily activities.
  • Respect and wise use of the resources made available.

Site design and referencing by Simplébo   |   Site created thanks to La SG
