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AJF - Training courses

Technical training

Water chemistry

The basics of water chemistry

Water is an extremely common element which, beyond its apparent simplicity, presents a very particular technicality in terms of its daily use, whether to cover personal or industrial needs.

It is essential to know the basics of water chemistry in order to be able to use this natural resource in a reasoned and eco-responsible manner.

basic water chemistry

Industrial water treatment

Conditioning of incoming water

Conditioning of incoming water

  • Clarification
  • Disinfection
  • Packaging

Industrial effluents

Industrial effluent treatment

  • Removal techniques for soluble and insoluble pollution
  • Conditioning treatment of the removed pollutants.
  • Recycling of treated effluent
  • Optimisation of the sludge treatment process.

Industrial cooling water

Industrial cooling water treatment

  • Prevention of corrosion phenomena
  • Prevention of biological and mineral fouling
  • Support for legionella risk management

Boiler water

Boiler water treatment

  • Support for the management of boiler water conditioning treatments for steam production.
  • Management of condensate circuits and loops

Optimisation of the Recovery Process in a pulp mill

  • Principle of regeneration in the pulp industry.
  • Optimisation of regeneration processes

Commercial training

Commercial training

Management of sales protocols

  • Targeting your strategic prospects in your target markets.
  • Designing a marketing action plan
  • Commercial prospecting: good practices
  • Aligning its offer with the expectations and needs of its customers
  • Present your offer in an efficient and professional way
  • Managing the implementation of the offer
  • Management and monitoring of the service over time

Innovative methods of customer management

Knowledge of its customers

  • Know your customers
  • Deepen the knowledge of its customers
  • Exploiting the benefits of customer knowledge

Stabilising the customer base

  • Customer satisfaction
  • The benefits of customer satisfaction
  • Measuring customer satisfaction 

Establishment of the customer relationship culture

  • Putting the customer at the centre of activities
  • Customers-Suppliers: a common goal
  • The role of the manager in customer relations
  • Adapted sales teams
  • Tools for a customer relationship culture

Drawing up a commercial budget

Drawing up a commercial budget

What is a commercial budget for?

Your commercial budget is the embodiment of your company's strategy. 

A commercial budget to quantify the objectives to be achieved and the resources needed to implement them, taking into account changes in your environment.

A budget established on the basis of the elements necessary for a realistic dimensioning of your commercial budget(s).

The use and mastery of analytical tools and reliable data that will be the basis of your strategic thinking and decision-making.

Sales forecast

We train you in the methodologies to be implemented to help your sales teams to determine the forecast turnover in an efficient and appropriate way, allowing you to define the means necessary to achieve the budgeted turnover objective.

Definition of sales prices

Exploiting the calibration and evolution data of your target markets as well as the characteristics of your competitive environment in order to be able to define a pricing strategy, which will be the basis for a favourable positioning of your product or service offers.


Training in analysis tools that generate figures to be associated with the characteristic marketing elements of your targets.

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